A painter who wants to contribute to INDIVIDUAL AND collective well-being

My mottos: "Art is essential", "You have to let the artwork enter you", "Art is a source of energy and well-being"

– I’m an intuitive artist combining charcoal, gouache and oil drawings and paintings with digital art techniques, I’ve been drawing and painting since childhood. I have been developing my art and technique for several years through training sessions in art history at the Hôtel Drouot in Paris and at the École des Beaux-Arts in Le Mans, as well as drawing and painting courses at the Beaux-Arts and the Schlum School in Le Mans. I am registered with the professional Siret number 48215911800033.

– Self-education is also an important aspect of my artistic way; my many visits to temporary and permanent exhibitions, museums, art galleries, international modern and contemporary art fairs, the study of paintings by great masters and instructive exchanges with other artists enable me to grasp the sensitivity and richness of the world of art and artistic creation. In my opinion, art rises our humanity and gives us energy and well-being.

My main sources of inspiration are the NABIS (Bonnard, Vuillard, Denis), the FAUVES (Matisse, Derain, Van Dongen), the IMPRESSIONISTS (Monet, Caillebotte, Degas), and the EXPRESSIONISTS such as Erich Heckel, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner and August Macke.

– My portrait and nude drawings are based on live models. The eye sharpens over time to capture more details, shapes, shadows and light, and so catch the instantaneous emotions perceived, like a spontaneous, natural, uncalculated flash. My nude paintings and portraits are thus created from these sensations and vibrations, converging towards a style of contemporary figurative or abstract figurative art, leaving plenty of room for your imagination.

When I create original artworks from my charcoal drawings, gouache or oil paintings or digital paintings, I express my creativity, my poetry and my originality, in a word I feel alive, in total connection with the outside world and my inner self. My original creations are a source of emotions, feelings, reflection, spirituality and well-being.

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